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Many steps how to kiss your love one, first thing to do you should know your self and your partner. If this is your first time to kiss your partner, wow, you should be confident don't be nervous. Here are the some tips that you should do:
1) Relax – your body and your lips should be relax, don’t be nervous and you should be focused.
2) Fresh Breath – this is very important. It is the worst thing if you kiss someone with a bad breath and your first kiss will totally failure! Your partner will think that they have kissing a rear end of a garbage truck or kissing with a dead fish. Make sure that you have a good breath before meeting the other person.
3)Moist lips – your lips should be wet! How to do it? Just roll your tongue around your lips before kissing. It is easier to move your lips over your partner if you have moist lips.
4) Hands Position – there are so many kind of hand position. First, put your hands on his/her waist. Through my own experience, I suggest to place your right hand on the side of the face or on the neck and put your left hand on the waist. You should hold your partner firmly but gently. Take note: don’t cause pain.
5) Head Positioning – Before positioning your head, you should move closer to your partner. (For boys: the angle of your face slightly to one side in order to prevent bump noses.)
6) Close Eyes – before your lips meet, it is much comfortable if you close your eyes and it also increases the sensations you feel. For me, it is embarrassing if my partner is opening her eyes for it make me feel mud.
7) Open Lips - Open your mouth slightly and kiss your partner gently. Open your mouth just like you're regularly breathing through your mouth. Then move your lips slowly in circular motion.
8) Lock It – keep your lips and your partner's lips closely. Continue kissing gently.
Remember :
1) Only lips and tongue are used in French kissing.
2) Breath through your nose
3) Don’t bump nose
4) Don’t leave your tongue doing nothing
5) Don’t swing your tongue like a windmill.
6) Don’t bite your partner